Borehole drilling

Drilling long-lasting deep water wells in the rural areas of Uganda requires professional capacity, mobilization of the community, the use of high standard drilling tools and borehole installation materials, proper planning regarding timing, accessibility and geology, and years of experience in Africa.. This is why TGS Water will be your preferred drilling contractor.

The first step of a successful drilling program is a proper hydrogeological and geophysical survey to determine the best drilling site. The approaches developed by TGS water Ltd will significantly increase the success rates of your projects. The company’s large borehole database and groundwater potential maps will already help to assess the groundwater potential in your area of operation. The geophysical survey is done by means of resistivity measurements in the form of profiles and vertical electrical soundings (VESes) with the use of an ABEM SAS 1000 terrameter.

Deep boreholes are cost-efficient in areas where there is no shallow borehole or protected spring potential. Borehole drilling activities include surveying, drilling, and test pumping, casting and installing the borehole with a hand pump.

Construction of schools and sanitation facilities

TGS is also involved in construction and management of water related construction projects such as sanitation infrastructure, staff houses, dormitories, and classroom blocks for a number of primary and secondary schools in Northern Uganda. TGS provides a project manager, a site construction supervisor and logistician who purchases the construction materials on behalf of the client. Joint field supervision visits are made by client and project manager.

Construction of small piped systems

Schools and health centres need more than the 700 litres per hour that a hand pump can supply. If the yield of the borehole is more than a 1,000 litres per hour, one can consider to equip it with a submersible pump and pump the water to an elevated storage tank from where it will be distributed over the compound. Such projects include geophysical siting, drilling a borehole, test pumping, casting the borehole, detailed design for the water system, then actual construction of the piped system.  

Geotechnical works

TGS specializes in geotechnical surveys, always considering the most cost-effective and efficient sampling and testing methods required for building sites, road construction, bridges and dams. Together with you, TGS Water Ltd establishes the methods and outcomes that best suit your needs taking into account the available financial resources. TGS water Ltd can effectively carry out SPT and DPL/DCP field testing and we can also carry out laboratory tests for the samples.  

Test pumping

Before any borehole will be installed with a pump, its sustainable yield is first assessed through a pumping test. For boreholes to be equipped with a hand pump, a 3 hr pumping test will suffice. Boreholes however to be equipped with a submersible pump (production wells) will require a test pumping programme consisting of a step test and a constant rate test to be carried out. Pumps used for the pumping test include Grundfos pumps, Dayliff or Lorenz pumps.

Borehole rehabilitation

A large number of boreholes in the rural areas are non-functional. This may be attributed to poor operation and maintenance, corroded GI riser pipes or low yielding boreholes that should have been declared dry after drilling. TGS Water can assess the reason for this non-functionality of the borehole and is often able to repair it and have it work again for years to come.. We have We have carried out rehabilitation programs for Link to Progress (20 boreholes in Oyam), for Charity water (50 boreholes in Kole) and Life water International (15 boreholes in Mayuge). Note that rehabilitation of boreholes will generally not lead to increased yield. Rehabilitation includes assessment of the boreholes, blowing out all the dirt from the boreholes, demolishing old platform, test pumping, casting new platform and installing the borehole with new borehole parts.